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20 February 2025

WTO Enquiry

The GNBS has a World trade Organisation (WTO) Enquiry Point which facilitates the exchange of information and is able to answer all reasonable enquiries from other members. The GNBS enquiry point is mandated to handle all incoming comments on notified measures, respond to enquiries and provide relevant information and documents.


Guyana joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1966.  The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was an international trade treaty designed to boost the economic recovery of countries. The primary purpose of the GATT (1947-1994) was to increase international trade by eliminating or reducing various tariffs, quotas and subsidies while maintaining meaningful regulations.

With the refining of GATT after ratifying the Uruguay Round Agreement and the European Communities, the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created in January 01, 1995 with 123 countries of which Guyana was the 53rd.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade Agreement (TBT) entered into force with the establishment of WTO. It aims to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade.

As a WTO member it is an obligation to have one or two enquiry points to facilitate exchange of information, answer all reasonable enquiries from members.


What is WTO/TBT Enquiry Point?

 The WTO/TBT Enquiry Point supplies WTO and foreign countries with information on compulsory local standards, conformity assessment procedures and technical regulations related to products under the scope of the TBT Agreement. It also informs local industry and trade of similar developments in other countries.


In Article 10.1 of the WTO/TBT Agreement it requires that each member country establish an Enquiry Point. The Government of Guyana designated the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) as the National Enquiry Point on March 15, 2010.

 The National Enquiry Point is operated under the Mission and Vision of the GNBS, which is to partner with government, consumer and key sectors through Standardization.


The GNBS Enquiry Point is disseminating notifications from other member countries of their measures on technical regulations, standards and/or conformity assessment procedures that may have a significant impact/effect on trade. WTO member countries are allowed a minimum of sixty (60) days to comment on a proposed measure. Interested stakeholders are given the opportunity to submit their comments. The Enquiry Point is providing upon request particulars or copies of the proposed technical regulations or register with WTO trade Information Management System (IMS) or search WTO online tool.


> Disseminate notifications needed by agencies, organizations and local stakeholders in these categories – agriculture, agro-processing, coconut water, manufacturing   products, molasses and sea foods;

> Provision of comments received on domestic measures to the appropriate regulatory agency for consideration;

> Register each stakeholder that request standards, technical regulation and/or conformity assessment procedures; and

> Access to standards and regulatory information via the GNBS Technical Standards Information Unit (TSIU).


> Access to WTO members notifications;

> Once registered with eping notification will be received daily and/or weekly;

> Aware of other member countries requirements as it relates to standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures of products;

> Contribute to the implementation and development of standard/technical regulation and conformity procedures that will not have any unnecessary barriers to trading partners.

> Stakeholders will be able to share information they receive from eping alert with their local counterparts.

> Stakeholders can choose the language of the notifications they prefer (English, Spanish, French).

Demonstration on how to access WTO/TBT Notifications


  • Login to epingalert.wto.org;
  • Options are on screen;
  • Email address; pass word etc.;
  • Star – Favorite;
  • Paperclip – Share files;
  • EN – English;
  • ES – Spanish;
  • FR – French;
  • Circle with point downwards and three dots – International discussion forum;
  • Envelope – Share information with local counterparts;
  • Filter to the top left hand corner showing all search, type the product that you need notification about;

All the standards notified will be uploaded from member countries for you to select from.

Stakeholders do not have access to documents ONLY the notifications.

Enquiry Point Administrator has access to all of the documents that is kept on eping alert for three (3) years. Notifications beyond 3 years are housed in the National Submission System database (www.tbtnss@wto.org).



 First Name: ____________________________________

Last Name: _____________________________________

Organization/Business: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Tel. #: _____________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________



Imported: __________________________________



Country (ies) Importing From: ____________________________

Country (ies) Exporting To: ______________________________


GNBS Enquiry Point:

Date received: _______________________________________

Date responded: ______________________________________


How to Submit Comments

Comments can be emailed, faxed, or mailed to the contact information below:

Enquiry Point
Guyana National Bureau of Standards
Flat 15 National Exhibition Complex Sophia
Tel: (592) 219-0066 ext. 231
Fax: (592) 219-0070

Email: rbourne@gnbsgy.org